Prepare Holiday Season E-commerce Advertising with Automated Tool: Kartapult

Enhance Advertisement with Automation
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Published on
10 Oct 2023
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Published on
10 Oct 2023
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Prepare Holiday Season E-commerce Advertising with Automated Tool

Ways to maximize your sales at the peak of the holiday season

1. Make it easy for the buyers to opt for your product.

For a customer, a smooth journey is the most important part of availing of any product or service. Therefore, it is necessary to map the marketing funnel correctly and make the best use of it to get effective results from the marketing campaign.

2. Utilization for mobile experiences

In today's time, people are more connected with their devices. Understanding its good use and its benefits, they make good use of it by also doing online shopping. For the past few years, it has been observed that people are spending more time and money on their mobile phones to grab access to online shopping from the comfort of their homes.

3. Use conversion rate optimization (CRO)

While you plan to attract traffic to your website, do remember to also put effort into the action that needs to be taken after the visitors have landed on your website. To identify the results for the same and conversion towards the target, use conversion rate optimization (CRO). It will help you build your website and improve your conversion rate.

4. Multichannel marketing to boost engagement

Today, consumers are present on almost all channels, like social media, SMS, WhatsApp, email, etc. The content on all these channels is overlooked by the customers, so try to upload the relevant and required content.

5. Provide good-quality customer service.

Provide excellent customer service to your customers even after they have availed of the facility of your product or service. Keep in touch and maintain a bond. Focus on their pain points and provide a relevant solution to solve their problem.

6. Learn about the customer's experience.

Get connected with your customers and create a feedback form so that it's easy for them to provide their feedback. Grabbing their relevant experience will help your brand grow by making the necessary changes that help your consumers stay happy and loyal to your product.

7. Reviews of the purchase

Ask your customers to give a review after purchasing a specific product or service from you. It helps in building confidence for the business and makes it easy for the audience to go through it and take action towards buying the product.

Want to increase your sales this holiday season without any pressure?

Then this blog is for you!

The holiday season is a golden opportunity for e-commerce businesses to boost their sales and attract new customers. However, with increasing competition, the pressure to reach the targeted audience during the holidays can be high.

In this blog, we will guide you on creating the perfect advertising campaigns and automating them with the ultimate E-commerce advertising tool, Kartapult, to reach and engage targeted audiences and get high sales this season.

Pro Tip- Preparation for your holiday sales should start a month before the launch of your campaign.


1. Review Previous Holiday Season Data

Begin by analysing the data from previous holiday seasons. Identify trends, high-performing campaigns, and areas that need improvement.

It doesn't matter if you have a small business, a medium business, or a large one. Your efficiency and accuracy are a must when it comes to gaining holiday sales. And manually handling this task can consume a lot of time and slow your efficiency.

Integrate your social pages and online store with Kartapult to dig deep into your historical data and get insights in just a few clicks.

Already a user? All you need to do is go to your Panel and Click on ‘Smart Reports’. You will get several options for the report; click on Offer Analysis Report to identify the top-performing offers from your historical data.

Note: There might be many campaigns that you have run in the past year. There is no need to study all the Ad campaigns. Create Tags on specific ads that you want to study and compare to create a new strategy.

2. Validate Your Catalogue

Now that you are well-aware of the last year’s data, you know your pitfalls and the areas you can work on. 


The first thing that you need to do is make sure that products are correctly categorised. Proper categorization can enhance the user experience and make it easier for customers to find what they're looking for.

Check the availability of products in your catalogue and ensure that your inventory counts are accurate. This will help you avoid last moment chaos and prevent overselling and customer disappointment.

Verify that the pricing is consistent and displayed in the correct currency. Ensure that any discounts or promotions are applied accurately.

Pro Tip- We would recommend not making any last-minute changes.

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3. Setup Accurate Pixel

Check the following beforehand-

Facebook Pixel: If you're setting up a Facebook Pixel, ensure that it's correctly integrated into your website. Test its functionality to confirm that it's tracking events such as page views, purchases, and add-to-cart actions accurately.

Google Analytics: If you're using Google Analytics, verify that the tracking code is correctly implemented on your website. Test different types of events to ensure that they're being recorded properly.

Testing Environment: Create a testing environment where you can perform various actions on your website to ensure that all the tracking pixels are working as intended. This can help you identify and fix any issues before your go-live date.

Pro Tip- Ensure that you start the catalogue validation and pixel setup process at least 7-14 days before the go-live date. This gives you ample time to identify and address any issues that might arise.

If you are working with Kartapult, you can rest easy for pixel setup as its auto fetch features avoid any errors that could arise while creating ads optimized for particular events.

4. Create a Compelling Ad Campaign

Remember that this is a high competition period; no matter which platform you choose, either Facebook or Google, or both, ensure proper campaign setup.

a) Ad Format and Content

  • Design attention-grabbing Google and Facebook automated Ads with Kartapult that resonate around the festive season sale and align them with the brand's message using Ad Text generator to generate high engaging content that could help you connect with your target audience
  • Use Kartapult Smart Reports- Creative Analysis, to check the top-performing ad creatives and save time, or prepare multiple variations of your ads and test which ones resonate better with your audience to increase your ad performance
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  • Use high-quality images, compelling copy, and relevant call-to-action buttons
  • Plan on creating announcement creatives to make people aware of your upcoming sales and familiarise them with your brand

Pro Tip- Ensure that your ad creatives are optimised for mobile devices, as a significant portion of users will be accessing your ads from smartphones and tablets

b) Campaign Configuration

Campaign setup is a critical aspect of achieving optimal results in online advertising. When configuring your campaigns, it's essential to leverage strategies that allow platforms like Facebook to deliver your ads effectively. Here are key approaches to consider:

  • Leveraging Automatic Placements: By selecting multiple placements across various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Google, you give the algorithm the flexibility to place your ads where they are most likely to perform well.
  • Going Broad with Audiences: Instead of hyper-segmenting your target audience, consider a broader approach. Use Kartapult Audience Launcher to target a pre-defined and tested audience pool. This allows the algorithm of social channels to reach new as well as the most receptive users. 
  • Leveraging Lookalike Audiences: Lookalike audiences allow you to target users similar to your existing customers, increasing the chances of capturing valuable leads. Kartapult Audience Launcher helps you target ‘Lookalike cohorts’ highly specific to your business so that your campaign reach increases by up to 20%. 
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  • Running Regular Conversion Campaigns: Running regular conversion campaigns with ‘Stop Loss Strategy’ alongside Dynamic Ad campaigns can provide a boost in delivery and scalability. While Dynamic Ads rely on catalogue data, regular conversion campaigns allow you to target specific actions and behaviours, expanding your reach and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

c) Smart Budget Strategies

  • Save time on manual budget management with Kartapult’s smart budget allocator and enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns with real-time optimisation

d) Ad Scheduling

  • For Ad scheduling, decide on the optimal times of day and days of the week for your ads to be displayed with Kartapult’s Ads Manager. This can help you reach your target audience when they're most active without manual effort.
  • Use Stop loss strategy and the Revive strategy to automate the spending of your ads- pause the ads when they are underperforming and resume the spending on ads that are performing well. This will help you reach the audience when there is high traffic without continuous surveillance and overspending.

5. Performance Tracking and Reporting

Monitor your campaigns' performance without logging in with Kartapult's WhatsApp Reports, which are auto generated every day at 10 a.m. and shared on your registered mobile number. Before planning anything new, dig into the reports to see the progress of your Ads hassle-free.

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  • Track key metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and ROAS to quickly identify any issues or underperforming ads
  • Monitor your budgets and adjust them if necessary based on the performance of your campaigns. Prevent overspending on ads that are not delivering results

Effective Ways to Boost Sales During the Holiday Season

  • Grab a good number of conversion rates with the help of your e-commerce websites.
  • Try making your website at the highest level, as it is the first point of contact for your consumers. It should portray the content that is relevant for your consumers.
  • Keep an eye on mobile devices
  • As technology grows, the comfort of consumers matters a lot. You must build a website that can be easily accessed on mobile devices as well as on a laptop.
  • Plan a Google Mobile Friendly test.
  • Create suggestions for optimizations.
  • Personalize shipping estimates.
  • Provide the availability and delivery date of the product as per the location of the customer.
  • Highlight interesting deals for your consumers.
  • Offer guest users to email their shopping lists to have a good shopping experience.

Adapting in Real Time

The holiday season is dynamic, and consumer behaviour can change rapidly. The high flexibility of Kartapult with Smart Budget Allocator allows you to optimise your ad budget in one click and adapt your strategies in real-time based on emerging trends, ensuring your ads remain relevant and effective.


Preparing for the holiday season's advertising onslaught requires careful planning, precise execution, and the right tools. Kartapult, automated Ads software offers a comprehensive solution to streamline your efforts, optimise your campaigns, and maximise your holiday season success. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to leverage Kartapult's capabilities and achieve exceptional results during the most wonderful time of the year for businesses

Note: We provide live chat assistance! If you need assistance, don't be afraid to contact us.


What do you mean by e-commerce advertising?
E-commerce advertising generates traffic using third-party platforms to promote your brand and create sales and clicks. Third-party platforms can be like Instagram, Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc.
How will you advertise your e-commerce?
You can advertise your e-commerce in an ample number of ways. Some of them are mentioned below, like
  • Search engine optimization, where your page will be ranked on the search engine

  • Text message marketing

  • Social media marketing

  • PPC advertising

  • Network marketing

  • Email marketing

  • Influencer marketing

What do you mean by an e-commerce ads?
E-commerce ads mean the spreading of paid messages to sell your service or product online. To promote your product, the advertiser needs to pay the amount for the objectives they are willing to grab from the advertisement, like clicks, impressions, and placement.
What is the role of e-commerce advertising during the holiday season?
During the holiday season, advertising plays a significant role around the world. The main advertisements are dropped and grab attention during Diwali and before it. These times, the ads are created in such a way that the consumer is persuaded to take action to buy that particular product or service. People specially create e-commerce banner ads.
What is the power of the holiday season concerning social media marketing?
The holiday season plays a significant role, especially when it comes to the social media market. The businessman must understand the requirements and effects of the holiday advertisement, which can completely elevate their business to a good level. Some of the ways that can be looked out for are:
  • Create attractive visuals.

  • Keep your business documents and policies up-to-date.

  • Upload the stories to grab your audience's attention.

  • When required, create a hashtag campaign, as it grabs attention frequently, boosts sales for the business, and helps it grow.

  • Conduct giveaways as they involve two-way communication between you and your audience.

  • Plan festival offers.

What do you understand by the term seasonality in e-commerce?
The term seasonality in e-commerce can also be referred to as holiday season e-commerce advertising. It means the repetitive patterns that occur in the form of consumer behavior at the time of sales and the performance it draws out of this within the e-commerce industry that are associated with the specific duration of the year concerning holidays or events.
Which is known to be the best way of marketing for the holiday?
There can be many ways, depending on the business, to grow. There is not an exact method for every business, however, some of the best ways and strategies that can help your business grow vastly are:
  • Offer giveaways

  • Conduct different quizzes on different occasions

  • Delve deeper into nostalgia.

  • Keep track of customer nostalgia.

  • Provide free shipping.

  • Offer discounts and promotions.

  • Offer discouGreet your customers after the shopping is complete and the product or service is delivered to the end user.nts and promotions.

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Published on
10 Oct 2023