
Kartapult provides data-driven insights, precise optimization, and intelligent recommendations to help you stay on track with your strategy and achieve peak performance with minimal effort.
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Smart Recommendations

Smart Recommendations are sophisticated algorithm-generated personalized recommendations tailored to each business's unique needs and goals. It empowers you to leverage insights into how your Digital Ads performance will likely change over different time frames, helping you make informed decisions about your marketing strategy.
Keep track of your business KPIs, streamline your decision-making process, maximize ROI, and gain unparalleled success with our advanced algorithm and analysis-based recommendations.

Short Term Recommendations

Short-term recommendations focus on immediate actions businesses can take to improve their ad performance. For example, Kartapult might recommend adjusting bidding strategies, targeting specific keywords, or tweaking ad creatives to increase conversions on website

Mid Term Recommendations

Medium-term recommendations look at trends and patterns in ad performance over several weeks or months. Based on this data, Kartapult might recommend making changes to landing pages, adjusting ad spend budgets, or experimenting with different ad formats

Long Term Recommendations

Long-term recommendations take a broader view of ad performance over a year or more. These recommendations might involve making strategic decisions about targeting new audiences, exploring new marketing channels, or investing in new marketing technology

ROAS Optimization

Harness the true potential of your advertising efforts with our advanced ROAS Optimization service. We have curated a list of metrics that directly impact ROAS. With this information at your fingertips, you can quickly identify which funnels drive the most revenue and adjust your E-commerce advertising strategy accordingly.

Stay ahead of your competition as we help you achieve better campaign performance and extraordinary results.
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Enhance Decision-Making

You can base your marketing decisions on concrete data and enhance your overall advertising strategy, minimizing risks and increasing the chances of success

Identify High-Performing Funnels

With data-driven insights, you can quickly pinpoint the most profitable funnels, allowing you to focus resources on the areas that drive the most revenue

Boost Profit Margins

ROAS optimization helps you identify areas where you can reduce cost and improve profit margin while maintaining performance and ensuring efficient budget management
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Ad Set Storyline

Ad Set Storyline is a potent feature that allows businesses to gain deeper insights into adset performance over time, track modifications made by marketers on a particular adset, and view the direct influence on its overall performance. With Ad Set Storyline, you can effortlessly assess and juxtapose the performance of specific Ad Set against their respective funnel performance, which serves as a valuable benchmark to compare the overall performance of the Ad Set.

Unlock a wealth of data-driven knowledge, refine your approach, and optimize your Ad Sets to maximize the success rate and ROI.

Comprehensive Performance Insights

Gain a complete and detailed overview of the ad set's performance over time and recognize the strategy that is resonating with the audience. Pinpoint specific periods of underperformance, and optimize Ad Set campaigns for better results

Modify, Monitor & Compare Ad Sets 

With Ad Set Storyline marketers can modify specific Ad Set, monitor its impact on overall performance and compare the Ad Set against their respective funnel, providing valuable insights for benchmarking and improving overall Ad Set performance

Data-Driven Decision Making

The Ad Set Storyline presents data in a clear and intuitive manner, making it easy for businesses to navigate and understand performance trends. This saves time and effort and allows decision-makers to respond promptly to any changes or opportunities

Daily Average Performance

Track the daily average of your key metrics, and quickly identify the trends and patterns that can impact your ad performance. This data-driven approach empowers you to make informed decisions, identify trends, spot potential areas of improvement, and adjust your strategy in real-time to maximize ROI.

Optimize your ad campaigns and achieve greater success with exceptional insights from Daily Average Performance.
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Real-Time Monitoring

With Daily Average Performance, you can see real-time insights into the daily performance of ad campaigns and stay updated on their progress, making immediate adjustments if necessary

Data-Driven Decision Making

By analyzing key metrics and insights daily, businesses can make data-driven decisions, fine-tune targeting, optimize strategies, and maximize effectiveness based on actual performance data

High Revenue Generation

Daily Average Performance allows businesses to focus on high-performing days and identify opportunities to increase revenue, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to achieve better campaign results

Unlock the power of performance marketing

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