Facebook Analytics- How to leverage Analytics for Insightful Actions

E-commerce Marketing Automation
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17 Jan 2024
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16 Nov 2023
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Facebook Analytics- How to leverage analytics for insightful actions

In recent years, we have seen how facebook analytics has empowered businesses by helping them to establish a strong online presence thus maximise their ecom growth  with valuable insights. But is it enough for In the ever- evolving digital landscape. So let’s delve deep in article and understand more about Facebook analytics and how to leverage analytics for insightful actions.

What is Facebook Analytics?

Facebook analytics is the metric that is used to track the brand's performance. Data provides insights on audience details, page performance, content effectiveness, and overall impacts of Facebook marketing efforts. Other Facebook is also evaluated like likes, comments, shares, and page views. Hence this will enhance the marketing strategy and user experience. The advantage of Facebook analytics is to track the customer journey and identify how audiences' requirements can be catered to. So Facebook analytics makes it very convenient for marketers to track the results from organic and paid ads from across various sessions and devices. At the same time, it makes monitoring and reporting easy and makes a Facebook marketing campaign building easy. 

Grow your Business Using Facebook Analytics

Facebook Analytics help your business grow by leveraging the data and insights offered from the website,  giving an informed decisions regarding your marketing strategies. 

Here's a step-bystep guide on how to utilize Facebook Analytics to enhance your growth of your business:

How to Evaluate Facebook Analytics Data

1. Set Up Facebook Analytics

  • Be sure to have an account on Facebook. Facebook Page for your business. 

  • Set up your Facebook Pixel to your site to monitor user interactions.

2. Access Facebook Analytics

  • Go to your Facebook page.

  • Go to "Insights" at the top.

3. Explore Overview Metrics

  • Examine the main metrics available in the Overview tab, including Page Views, Likes Post Reach, and Page Likes. 

4. Audience Insights

  • Examine the demographics of your audience as well as their interests and behavior.

  • Create ads and content that are tailored in accordance with the audience's needs.

5. Page Insights

  • Use Page Insights' data to study the details of your audience, such as locations, demographics, and the behavior of your visitors online. 

  • Find out who your customers are and then tailor your content accordingly.

6. Content Performance

  • Examine the effectiveness of your content and posts.

  • Find the kind of material that connects with your target audience.

  • Share more of the content that works and modify your strategy for content to suit your needs.

7. Ad Performance

  • If you manage Facebook ads, you should look into the performance of your ads.

  • Determine which ads are bringing the most clicks, engagement and conversions.

  • You can allocate your budget more efficiently by relying on ads that are highly effective.

8. Engagement Analysis

  • Monitoring the engagement of users, like comments, likes and shares.

  • Engage with your followers by responding to messages and comments promptly.

9. Custom Dashboards

  • Create customized dashboards based on your goals specific to you along with key performance indicator (KPIs). 

  • Review these dashboards frequently to gain insight into the key metrics to your company.

10. Overview Dashboard

  • The Facebook Panel offers an overview dashboard that summarizes the most important metrics, including the number of likes on your page, posts reach and engagement. 

  • Make sure to regularly check this dashboard to get a quick overview on your progress.

11. Posts Analysis

  • Utilize the Posts section to evaluate the performance of each post. Find out the kind of content that gets the highest engagement and reach and modify your content strategy to suit.

Potential Problems on the Facebook Panel

Facebook analytics gives many insights into improving the effectiveness of marketing strategies and by leveraging this data campaigns can be helped better as per customer's interests but you should be aware of its limitations too:

1. Data Lag

  • A common problem is the lag in data, when the real-time information may not be readily available. It is important that you are aware of the issue when looking at recent activity.

2. Algorithm Changes

  • Facebook regularly updates its algorithms which affect how the content gets distributed, and how it is how it is perceived. Keep up-to-date with algorithm updates to understand changes in performance with precision.

3. Privacy Concerns

  • Concerns about privacy and changes in policies regarding data can affect some metrics' availability, particularly when it comes to interactions with users. Be aware of changes to privacy laws.

4. Incomplete Data

  • Certain metrics might not be accessible or appear to be incomplete due to a variety of reasons, like changes to privacy settings of users or sampling methods. Use cross-references with other analytics tools when needed.

5. Attribution Challenges

  • The issue of attribution can arise particularly when analyzing conversions. Recognize how attribution model limitations can be overcome and look into the use of additional tools to get greater understanding of the customer's journey.

6. Ad Performance Fluctuations

  • The performance of your ads can fluctuate because of a variety of factors like changes in the audience's behavior and competition as well as the effects of fatigue. Always monitor and alter your strategy for ad placement in line with the changes.

7. Content Saturation

  • A high level of saturation for certain content types could result in a decrease in engagement in time. Change your content strategy to keep your audience engaged and avoid exhaustion.

8. Mobile vs. Desktop Performance

  • The performance of mobile devices could be different in comparison to desktops. Examine the data for each platform, allowing you to make sure your strategy is adapted to the device most commonly utilized by your customers.

 How To Track FB Analytics with Kartapult? 

To be able to effectively deal with these potential challenges, companies should be updated on Facebook's latest updates and remain flexible in their approach, and look into the use of additional analytics tools to enhance the data offered through Facebook's Facebook Panel. 

Worry not, Kartapult is there to ease your task- Kartapult's dashboard, Kartapult ads manager and other Kartapult smart reports. 

The Kartapult Facebook Dashboard gives you a comprehensive picture of your account performance and in-depth insights into your spending, revenue, ROAS, and other important metrics. Let’s see how: 

1. In-depth performance insights

  • -Overview: Firstly take an overview of the account that tells about the important KPIs of the Facebook Ad account. 

    - Performance summary: It is displayed at three funnel levels i.e., TOF, MOF, and BOF.  

  1. The TOF:  It is known as the Top of the Funnel stage and informs the initial stage of the customer journey. We step on this stage to generate brand awareness and lead generation. 

  2. The MOF: Middle of Funnel stage helps customers who already have shown interest in a product or service. This stage builds relationships with customers strong and nurtures them too. 

  3. The BOF: Bottom of Funnel stage is the final stage of the customer journey that will make the customer ready to make a purchase decision. Here more focus is laid on conversion and sales, marketers make this more interesting by using special offers, and discounts to increase sales.

  • Funnel overview: It is a simplified to interpret complex data and provides insight into how the performance of two KPIs is evolving at different levels. Example: You can have a glance at the graph of ROAS and Amount Spent under TOF, MOF, and BOF. 

  • Bid strategy: This widget has a widget on the dashboard with funnel-level segmentation. It evaluates Facebook's bid strategy performing across different funnels. 

  • Ad format summary: Ad Format Summary will examine the performance of different ad formats under different funnel levels. This will also help determine the right kind of funnel levels using the Ad format summary widget.

  • Daily average performance: It helps identify the performance of accounts at every level and the drop-down feature can personalize the KPIs as per requirement. 

  • Top Assets Summary: Here you can see the top performing assets of the account at overall and funnel level. You can choose to see the top performing assets based on other KPIs too apart from revenue.

Facebook Analytics Tools to Measure your Marketing Success

The best Facebook analytics tools to measure in 2024 to measure your marketing success are

  • Kartapult

    Kartapult is known to be a well-designed performance marketing tool that helps businesses rev up and access insightful reports. It is a user-friendly system and looks forward to managing and optimizing all your ad campaigns by helping you reach your desired target audience and draw profit growth with the minimum of effort.

  • Sprout Social

    Sprout Social is a tool that looks after maintaining strong network partnerships and integration to help your business grow and connect with your audience through their touch points.

  • SocialPilot

    SocialPilot is a Facebook analytics tool that helps you grow your business by making your work easy by scheduling the content, posting campaigns, and collaborating with the team. You can easily grab a look at the Facebook analytics report with the help of SocialPilot.

  • Keyhole

    Keyhole is a social media analytics tool that helps agencies and brands overlook their presence on social media platforms and focus on the metrics that need changes or require attraction.

  • Rival IQ

    Rival IQ is a well-known social media marketing analytics tool that offers businesses SEO services, content marketing, competitive analysis, and social reporting.

  • Brand24

    Brand24 is a marketing tool that gives you complete access to look ahead with your business. It helps you monitor brands, analyze sentiments, and create reports.

  • Oktopost

    Oktopost is a social media engagement tool that offers solutions to b2b businesses by helping them link social media campaigns to revenue growth, drive engagement, and measure success.

  • Facebook Insights

    Facebook insights are the analytics dashboard where you can keep track of the user's behavior and performance on the page of Facebook Business.

  • Meta Business Suite

    Meta Business Suite is a platform where you can manage all your Facebook and Instagram advertising and marketing activities.

  • Facebook Ads Manager

    Facebook Ads Manager is a tool of management where the user can analyze and edit paid Facebook campaigns.

  • AdEspresso

    AdEspresso is a well-known platform where you can create targeted, dynamic ads for individuals. You can easily upload the content for your audience and retarget the requested campaigns across Google, Instagram, and Facebook.

How does the Facebook Ad Storyline Work?

The best way to track FB analytics with Kartapult is by using the Adset storyline. This represents the action taken on a specific Adset and allows for analysis of performance. Thus Adset’s performance can be compared to the average performance of different funnels as mentioned above performance summary section. Now make use of the Ad set storyline and understand the impacts of the changes on the Ad set’s performance with Kartapult.

The best way to track FB analytics with Kartapult is by using the Adset storyline. An Ad Set Storyline is a visual representation of the history of actions taken on a specific Ad Set, allowing you to analyze its performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize your ad campaigns.

With Kartapult’s Facebook Ad Set Storyline, you can-

  • Gain in-depth audience insights and track Ad Set modifications over time

  • View the direct influence of changes on overall performance

  • Easily assess and compare Ad Set performance against funnel benchmarks

  • Recognize resonating strategies and optimize campaigns

  • Identify underperformance periods for strategic improvements

  • Modify, monitor, and compare Ad Sets' impact on overall performance

Track Facebook Analytics with Kartapult

1. Offer Analysis

The Offer Analysis report offers an easy-to-understand performance comparison between different offers. With this comparison, users can quickly determine which offers are outperforming others, and they can make data-driven decisions on which offers to continue running, which offers to pause, and which offers to tweak to improve performance. This insights into the performance of past offers enable users to make data-driven decisions about future offers.

Track Facebook Analytics with Kartapult

2. Creative Analysis

One can view the performance of different types of creatives for a similar offers or ads running for the account. This lets you analyze the performance of different types of creatives and view them at one place. This helps in making better decisions for future creative choices for ads. Overall, the creative analysis provides the smart way of viewing the performance of multiple creatives in a way like never before. This could help in choosing a creative to get the best ROI for the running campaigns and hence increasing the overall performance of the account.

Creative Analysis

3. Ads Manager

Kartapult Facebook Ads Manager allows users to create, analyze and manage their advertising assets in one place. 

  • Basic Filter

    Ads Manager gives a unique ability to the user to filter the view based on various categories: Metrics, Name, Status, Funnel, and ID. Within each category, you can further select specific parameters such as campaign, ad sets, and ads, to efficiently navigate through extensive datasets and retrieve the desired data. 

  • Monitor Assets

    You can view and analyze the assets- Ads, Ad Sets, and Campaigns effortlessly under various metrics. Select KPIs with the drop-down menu to create a customized table with your own desired metrics.

  • Perform Action with Manage Assets 

    You can  schedule pause and resume Ads, Ad Sets, and campaigns. This increases the flexibility, time, and management of the users multifold. Kartapult also offers a convenient feature that allows users to directly access specific assets on your Facebook. 

  • Smart Budget Capability

    You can select different Ad Assets for which you want to change the budget and it can be done in two ways, “Rule Based” and “Manually”. In Rule Based you van increase or decrease the budget directly by numbers or percentage. Whereas Manually, you can enter the amount for your new budget and publish. 

With Kartapult’s Facebook Dashboard, users can access a range of powerful features to enhance their advertising strategies.Gain insights into your current performance and desired outcomes

  • Understand marketing funnel performance for strategic adjustments

  • Observe your entire funnel from acquisition to retention

  • Allocate budget across funnel stages based on performance

  • Automate performance reports, receiving them in your inbox

  • Analyze performance at a glance upon dashboard entry

  • Refine strategies for achieving desired results

In essence, the Kartapult Facebook Dashboard serves as a holistic advertising capsule, providing a detailed overview of spending, revenue, return on ad spend (ROAS), and other crucial metrics. It serves as a valuable resource for advertisers, offering both quick insights and the ability to delve deeper into specific areas of their Facebook campaigns.

Consider the Kartapult dashboard to be your advertising capsule for you where you can quickly learn more or delve deeper into specific areas of Facebook campaigns 


1. How can One View the Facebook Analytics?
  • Click on the top right corner of Facebook, and then tap on your profile.

  • Select the page for which you are willing to look for the analytics.

  • Click on the profile picture on your page.

  • In the next step, click on "Manage" at the top of the page.

  • Then tap on "See more insights."

2. What is the Purpose of Facebook Analytics?
The purpose of Facebook analytics is to track the performance of your page and understand your audience. The data is captured from your Facebook page to gather the required insights to proceed with the behavior of your followers, content engagement, and overall page growth.
3. Does Facebook Analytics Still have a Presence Around the Corner?
Yes, Facebook Analytics is still available and can be used in the Meta Business Suite. It can also be used with other effective tools for reporting Facebook data.
Are there any charges for accessing Facebook analytics?
Facebook analytics is free of charge and does not require any charges from its audience.
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Published on
10 Oct 2023